
POUR MES ETUDIANTS : visitez la page Enseignement (en français, naturellement)

About me

I am Professor in Applied Mathematics at Institut Denis Poisson, Université de Tours, France, since September 2015.

Previously I hold Assistant Professor Positions at Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France (2003-2015) and at Université de Provence, Marseille, France (2000-2003), as well as a Substitute Professor position at Technische Universität Berlin (Oct. 2013 – Jan. 2014).

I studied at Moscow State Lomonossov University (1991-1996) and wrote my PhD in Mathematics at Moscow State University and Université de Franche-Comté in 1997-2000 under the supervision of Stanislav Nikolaevich Kruzhkov and Philippe Bénilan.

Research page contents

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You can also consult my HAL profile, MathSciNet Profile and Google Scholar Profile pages.

Contact information

You can contact my by e-mail at boris.andreianov /@/
Tél : (+33) 2 47 36 74 17
Bureau : 2220 bâtiment E2
Faculté des Sciences, Campus Grandmont
37200 Tours, France