Thèmes de recherche (Research interests)
- Statistical Computing (with the R statistical software)
- Development of R packages
- High Performance Computing (HPC) with R
- BigData RHadoop & MapReduce
- Latent variables models, missing data, mixtures of distributions
- EM and hybrid EM algorithms for several mixture models
- semi- and non-parametric (multivariate) mixture models
- Tests for homogeneity vs. mixture
- Monte-Carlo Markov Chains (MCMC)
- Convergence assessment in MCMC
- adaptive MCMC methods
Participation à des Projets de recherche
- ARD-CVL JUNON (task “statistics” , 2022-2026)
- ANR GAMBAS (PhD co-advisor, 2020—2023)
- Projet ADOpTER, Data Mining et cosmétoscience (2018 — 2020)
- PIA PALM, Product of Agriculture Life-cycle Management, Calcul intensif et simulation numérique (2015-2017)
- Projet Région DURAREP2 (mixture models, INRA Tours-Nouzilly 2012-2015)
- Projet Région FDTE (Data mining et environnement, 2011-2014)
- Research program PILE, Programme International pour le Langage de l’Enfant, (PhD co-advisor, 2006-2008)
Développement de codes – Statistical Computing
- EntropyMCMC: R package for MCMC Simulation and Convergence Evaluation using Entropy and Kullback-Leibler Divergence Estimation, CRAN (2019)
- mixtools: R package for analyzing finite mixture models, co-author, CRAN (2017, several versions since 2009)
- CLTC: MCMC Convergence assessment via the CLT for Markov chains (1998-2001, deprecated)