Publications classées par ordre chronologique décroissant
A. Bonami, S. Grellier , B. Sehba , Avatars of Stein’s Theorem in the complex setting, 26 pages à paraître (2022)
A. Bonami, S. Grellier , B. Sehba Global Stein Theorem on Hardy spaces à paraître 20 pages, (2021).
P. Gérard, S. Grellier and Z. He Turbulent Cascades for a family of damped Szegö equations Nonlinearity, Volume 35, 4820–4849 (2022).
P. Gérard, S. Grellier , On a damped Szegö equation (with an appendix in collaboration with Christian Klein) SIAM J. Math. Anal. Vol 52, No 5, 4391–4420 (2020).
Gérard, P., Grellier, S., A survey of the Szegö equation SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics; 2019, 62: 1087–1100. (2019) doi: 10.1007/s11425-018-9497-0
Gérard, P., Grellier, S., Generic colourful tori and inverse spectral transform for Hankel operators, Tunisian Journal of Mathematics 2Vol. 1, No. 3, 2019, 347–372 (2019);
Gérard, P., Grellier, S., Inverse spectral problem for a pair of selfadjoint Hankel operators Harmonic Analysis, Function Theory, Operator Theory and Applications, 159–169 (2017).
Gérard, P., Grellier, S., The cubic Szegö equation and Hankel operators. Astérisque No 248, 126 pages (2017).
A. Bonami, L. D. Ky, J. Feuto & S. Grellier Atomic decomposition and weak-factorization in generalized Hardy spaces of closed forms. Bull. Sciences Maths Volume 141, Issue 7, (2017), 676–702.
Gérard, P., Grellier, S., An explicit formula for the cubic Szegő equation, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), 2979–2995.
Gérard, P., Grellier, S., Inverse spectral problems for compact Hankel operators, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, Volume 13, Issue 02, (2014), 273–301.
P. Gérard & S. Grellier Effective integrable dynamics for some nonlinear wave equation Analysis & PDE 5-5 (2012), 1139–1155.
P. Gérard & S. Grellier Invariant Tori for the Szegő cubic equation. Inventiones Matematicae. Vol 187 (3) (2012) 707–754.
P. Gérard & S. Grellier The cubic Szegő equation. Ann. Scient. Ec. Norm. Sup. 4e serie, t 43 (2010) 761–809.
A. Bonami, S. Grellier & L. D. Ky Paraproducts and products of functions in BMO(Rn) and H1(Rn) through wavelets. Journal de math. pures et appl. (2012) Vol. 97, Issue 3, 230–241.
A. Bonami & S. Grellier Hankel operators and weak factorization for Hardy-Orlicz spaces. Colloq. Math. (2010), Vol 118, No1,107–132.
A. Bonami, S. Grellier & J. Feuto Endpoint for the Div-Curl Lemma in Hardy Spaces. Publ. Mat. (2010), 341–358.
A. Bonami, S. Grellier & M. Kacim. Truncations of multilinear Hankel operators. Transactions AMS 360 (2008)1377–1390.
S. Grellier& J.P. Otal. Bounded eigenfunctions in the real hyperbolic space. International maths research Notices 62 (2005), 3867–3897.
S. Grellier & P. Jaming. Harmonic functions on the real hyperbolic ball II : Hardy and Lipschitz spaces. Math. Nachr. 268 (2004), 50–73.
S. Grellier.Hardy-Sobolev Spaces of complex tangential derivatives of holomorphic funstions in domains of finite type. Mathematica Scandinavica 90 (2002), 232–250.
S. Grellier & M. Peloso. Decompositions theorems for Hardy spaces on convex domains of finite type. Illinois J. of Math. 46 (2002), 207–232.
J. Bruna & S. Grellier. Zero sets of Hp-functions in convex domains of strict finite type in Cn. Complex variables Theory and Applications (1999)
A. Bonami, J. Bruna & S. Grellier. On Hardy, BMO and Lipschitz spaces of invariantly harmonic functions in the Unit ball. Proc. London Math. Soc. 71 (1998), 665–696
J.E. Fornaess & S. Grellier. Exploding orbits of holomorphic structures. Math. Zeit. 223 (1996), 521–534
A. Bonami, D.C. Chang & S. Grellier. Commutation properties and Lipschitz estimates for the Bergman and Szegő projections. Math. Zeit. 223 (1996), 275–302.
A. Bonami & S. Grellier. Weighted Bergman Projections in domains of finite type in C2. Contemporary Mathematics(189) (1995), 65–80.
D.C. Chang & S. Grellier. Estimates for the Szegő kernel on decoupled domains. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and applications 187 (1994), 628–649.
S. Grellier. Complex tangential Characterizations of Hardy-Sobolev Spaces of holomorphic functions. Rev. Mat. Ibero. 9.2 (1993), 201–255.
S. Grellier. Behavior of holomorphic functions in complex tangential directions in a domain of finite type in Cn . Publi. Mat. 36 (1992), 251–292.