Agenda détail


Conformal anomalies: theory and applications 2024
Laetitia Portier (Institut Denis Poisson)
du Wednesday 05 June 2024 au Friday 07 June 2024 -  Tours -  Amphi E030, bâtiment E2, rez-de-chaussée

Résumé :

This workshop will bring together leading experts from around the world to discuss the latest advances in our understanding of conformal symmetries and their anomalies, covering a wide range of topics related to conformal systems, including:

  • Correlation functions
  • Boundaries
  • Applications in black holes
  • Cosmology
  • Strongly coupled systems
  • Condensed matter systems

This event is a follow-up to the first workshop on conformal anomalies held in Tours in 2022.

There is no conference fee.

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