Agenda de l’IDP

Séminaire de Physique Théorique

Superspace Constraints for multiple M-theory membranes
Robert Wimmer (ENS Lyon)
Thursday 18 November 2010 14:00 -  Tours -  Salle 1180 (Bât E2)

Résumé :
We present a systematic analysis of the N=8 and N=6 superspace constraints in three space-time dimensions. The general coupling between vector and scalar supermultiplets is encoded in an SO(8) tensor for the N=8 and an SU(4) tensor for the N=6 case. These tensors are functions of the matter superfields and are subject to a set of algebraic and super-differential relations. We show how conformal BLG- and ABJM models, which describes the dynamics of M2 branes in M-theory, can both be formulated in this universal framework. We also discuss the supersymmetry enhancement from N=6 to N=8 via monopole operators and derive superspace constraints which encode the dynamics of these monopole superfields.

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