Agenda de l’IDP


"Morphisms in the orbifold category"
Anke POHL (Paderborn)
Friday 28 March 2008 14:00 -  Orléans -  Salle de Séminaire

Résumé :
The bijection of isomorphism classes of reduced orbifolds and Morita equivalence classes of proper effective groupoids seems to originate with work by Moerdijk and Pronk. Usually, this bijection is used to establish an equivalence between a category of orbifolds defined via local charts and the category of proper effective groupoids. Unfortunately, the literature lacks a characterization of the morphisms in the groupoid category on the orbifold side, hence in local charts. We provide this characterization and further propose a refinement of the orbifold groupoid category which is isomorphic to the (local chart) orbifold category, not only equivalent.

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