2018-present Professeur des universités (professor) in mathematics at Université d'Orléans within UFR Sciences et Techniques (science department) and the research lab Institut Denis Poisson (UMR CNRS 7013).

2022-2027: Junior member on an innovation chair at Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)
2011-2018 Maître de conférences (assistant professor) in mathematics at Université Paris Descartes within UFR de mathématiques et informatique (mathematics and computer science department) and the MAP5 research lab
Nov. 2016: Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR). The manuscript is available here.
2007-2010 Ph.D. student at CMLA, ENS Cachan
I defended my Ph.D. thesis entitled Stochastic Image Models and Texture Synthesis in December 9, 2010. My Ph.D. was supervised by Jean-Michel Morel (CMLA, ENS Cachan) and Yann Gousseau (TSI, Télécom ParisTech). The manuscript is avalaible here.
2004-2008 Student (normalien) at the mathematics department of ENS Cachan
2005-2006: Master MVA (master of science in mathematics with specialization in image processing and statistical learning)
2006-2007: Agrégation externe of mathematics