Agenda détail

Journées à Tours

"Gravitation, solitons et symétries"

du Tuesday 20 May 2014 au Friday 23 May 2014 -  Tours -  Amphithéâtre 0040 (Bât E)

Résumé :
This workshop marks the first 3-months stay of Gary Gibbons as a LE STUDIUM (R)PROFESSOR at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques et de Physique Théorique (University of Tours). We want to organize a gathering of many leading experts in the field of classical and quantum gravity, symmetries and solitons -- the three directions which were in the focus of the research of G. Gibbons over the years. The scientific goal of the workshop is to discuss the recent progress and the future prospects in this very rapidly evolving field of research.

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