Agenda de l’IDP

Séminaire Orléans

On "the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics" in the theory of diffusion-controlled reactions
Sergey Traytak (Russian Academy of Science et CBM-Orléans)
Thursday 21 March 2013 14:00 -  Orléans -  Salle de Séminaire

Résumé :
We consider few mathematical approaches in the theory of irreversible bulk diffusion-controlled reactions allowing to obtain very useful physical results. In particular we discuss the classical solution to the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the steady-state diffusion equation in an unbounded 3D domain outside the N spheres. For this problem we compare the accuracy of the existing methods, find out connections between some of them and consider important questions on their convergence to the desired solution. Applications of the fractional order derivatives and comparison theorem to the time-dependent Debye-Smoluchowski equation with Coulomb potential are also presented.

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