Workshop on Mathematical modeling, Analysis and Approximation of Vehicular and Pedestrian Dynamics
(update of May, 30) find Programme + Abstracts here
(update of May, 31) find Practical Informations here
Venue : Campus Grandmont, Tours, France
Dates : from Monday, June 5 (2PM) till Thursday, June 8 (5PM), 2023
Scientific Committee :
- Paola GOATIN (Nice, France)
- Bertrand MAURY (Orsay, France)
- Gabriella PUPPO (Rome, Italy)
- Nils Henrik RISEBRO (Olso, Norway)
- Massimilano Daniele ROSINI (Ferrara, Italy and Lublin, Poland)
Scientific programm : keynote talks by
- Cecile APPERT-ROLLAND (physics department, Paris-Orsay, France)
- Maya BRIANI (Rome, Italy)
- Alexandre CHASSE (IFP – Energies Nouvelles, Paris, France)
- Giuseppe COCLITE (Bari, Italy)
- Rinaldo COLOMBO (Brescia, Italy)
- Andrea CORLI (Ferrara, Italy)
- Giovanni DE NUNZIO (IFP – Energies Nouvelles, Paris, France)
- Aurelien DURET (NEOVYA company, Lyon, France)
- Nicolas FORCADEL (Rouen, France)
- Helge HOLDEN (Trondheim, Norway)
- Thibault LIARD (Limoges, France)
- Jean-Luc PAILLAT (Laboratoire Central de la Prefecture de Paris, France)
- Charlotte PERRIN (Marseilles, France)
- Giuseppe VISCONTI (Rome, Italy)
Communications by
- Rafael BAILO (Oxford, UK) – cancelled
- Mickaël BESTARD (Strasbourg, France)
- Felisia Angela CHIARELLO (L’Aquila, Italy)
- Hamza ENNAJI (Caen, France)
- Niklas KOLBE (Aachen, Germany)
- Etienne PINSARD (Laboratoire Central de la Prefecture de Paris, France)
- Matteo PIU (Rome, Italy)
- Abraham SYLLA (Milan, Italy)
- Alexandra WÜRTH (Nice, France)
A special « grand public » talk
Special highlight : the multidisciplinary I-Day
The whole day Tuesday, June 6 will be devoted to multi-disciplinary interactions involving both engineers from private and state organizations and academic researchers in physics and in mathematics. Within the I-Day, organized under the auspices of Agence Maths-Entreprises, workshop participants will exchange ideas on the vast theme of mobilities and actual challenges related to traffic, crowd, urban networks, environment…
Most of the talks on the I-Day will be given by engineers and researchers directly involved into applications of mathematics in the context of mobilities.
Poster session (call for posters open)
Participants (both junior and senior) are given the possibility to present a poster; posters will be briefly introduced orally in a special session.
Sponsors :
- Institut Denis Poisson CNRS UMR7013
- Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zürich
- Project ANR-22-CE40-0010 COSS (Control On Stratified Structures)
- Faculté des Sciences, Université de Tours
- Agence Maths-Entreprises (AMIES)
Organizing Committee :
- Boris Andreianov (Institut Denis Poisson, Tours)
- Carlotta Donadello (Université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Besançon)
- Théo Girard (Institut Denis Poisson, Tours)
- Noureddine Igbida (Université de Limoges)
- Anouchka Lépine (CNRS and Université Denis Poisson, Tours)
- Vincent Perrollaz (Institut Denis Poisson, Tours)
Special thanks : Siddhartha Mishra (ETH Zürich)