Matthieu Astorg

Keywords: Parabolic implosion, bifurcations, wandering domains, quasiconformal analysis, potential theory


  1. Horn map of a semi-parabolic Hénon map
    Astorg, M., Bianchi, F. pdf. Accepted in Math. Annalen

  2. Dynamics of skew-products tangent to the identity
    Astorg, M., Boc Thaler, L. pdf. Accepted in Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)

  3. Hyperbolicity and bifurcations in holomorphic families of polynomial skew-products
    Astorg, M. & Bianchi, F. pdf. Amer. J. Math. 145 (2023), no. 3, 861–898

  4. Higher bifurcations for polynomial skew-products
    Astorg, M., & Bianchi, F. Journal of Modern Dynamics, vol. 18, n.3 pdf

  5. Wandering domains arising from Lavaurs maps with Siegel disks
    Astorg, M., Boc Thaler, L., & Peters, H. Anal. PDE 16 (2023), no. 1, 35–88. pdf

  6. Summability condition and rigidity for finite type maps
    Astorg, M. Annali Scuola Normale Superiore-Classe di Scienze 2022, p. 399-423. pdf

  7. Collet, Eckmann and the bifurcation measure
    Astorg, M., Gauthier, T., Mihalache, N., & Vigny, G. Inventiones mathematicae, 217(3), 749-797. pdf

  8. Dynamics of post-critically finite maps in higher dimension
    Astorg, M. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 1-20. pdf

  9. The Teichmüller space of a rational map immerses into moduli space
    Astorg, M. Advances in Mathematics, 313, 991-1023. pdf

  10. A two-dimensional polynomial mapping with a wandering Fatou component
    Astorg, M., Buff, X., Dujardin, R., Peters, H., & Raissy, J. Annals of mathematics, 263-313 arXiv


  1. Cubic Siegel polynomials and the bifurcation measure
    Astorg, M., Cheraghi D., & Chéritat A. pdf

  2. Bifurcations for families of Ahlfors island maps
    Astorg, M., Benini A.M, & Fagella N. pdf

  3. Bifurcation loci of families of finite type meromorphic maps
    Astorg, M., Benini A.M, & Fagella N. pdf


- HDR manuscript Bifurcations and wandering domains in holomorphic dynamics